Who are we?

Unionists for Palestine is a group of rank-and-file trade unionists in Australia campaigning for a Free Palestine.

Unionists have always played a key role in fighting for justice within and beyond workplaces. Through the 80s unions were central in the campaign against apartheid in South Africa. And the struggle for justice continues: the Palestinian General Federation of Trade Unions has called upon unionists around the world for support - and we will answer in solidarity.

Why unions?

Five reasons why Palestine is union business

1. Solidarity and our community - touch one, touch all

Powerful unions are built on solidarity. The economy is global, and so is the working class. Since October 2024, Israeli forces have killed over 34,000 people including 15,000 children. Israel has been systematically targeting and murdering doctors, nurses, journalists and aid workers precisely because of the work they do. There are Palestinians in our communities and in our workplaces, as well as the broader Arab-Australian community, who are directly impacted by the atrocities being committed by the state of Israel against their families, friends and their homeland. We need to show our unions have their back and win a new layer of determined fighters to our movement.

2. We refuse to be complicit.

The war machine can not operate without the labour of workers. Because of the global nature of our economy, many of us may be working for or with Israeli companies or institutions. Unionised public servants are launching a boycott campaign against Hewlett Packard (HP), which supplies the Israeli military with computer hardware and IT services. Wharfies load and unload containers from Israeli shipping line Zim, which has put itself at complete service of Israel during its assault. Teachers and university staff are working in departments with links to weapons manufacturers which supply Israel. We do not want our labour to be complicit in a genocide. And we have power to cut off these supply lines to Israel.

3. Workers’ rights and democracy

In the last 6 months we have seen a frightening wave of censorship and crack down on our democratic rights. ABC journalist Antoinette Lattouf was sacked for sharing a Human Rights Watch post on her social media, after a concerted campaign by the Zionist lobby. Teachers have been reprimanded for wearing a keffiyeh or Palestine pin to school - but are free to show signs of solidarity with other human rights causes. Draconian anti-protest laws in NSW have been used against activists and unionists for sitting on the road in Port Botany protesting Zim shipping - this includes delegates and officials in the Maritime Union of Australia. Workers must fight back to defend freedom of speech, expression and job security.

4. Break Labor support for Israel

Many unions are affiliated to the Labor Party and have delegates to Labor. The Australian government refuses to call for a permanent ceasefire, cut off funding to the main aid organisation UNRWA in Gaza for months, and allows the manufacturing and sending of military parts to Israel - such as components for F-35 fighter jets. Many rank-and-file members of the ALP are outraged with the governments complicity in this genocide. The union movement has a responsibility to put maximum pressure on the Albanese government to cut ties with Israel, including through the use of industrial action.

5. Build union power

Throughout our history boycott campaigns and strike marches, including by Australian workers, helped end apartheid in South Africa, forced the Australian government to withdraw troops from Vietnam and aided the fight for Indonesian independence. We can rebuild this power today to break Australia’s support for Israel. RMIT university recently ended its partnership with Israeli weapons company Elbit Systems under pressure from staff and students. Many unions in Europe have put bans on weapons to Israel. The peak union body in Australia, the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) has just called for an arms embargo and targeted sanctions of Israel. Join Trade Unionists for Palestine and help us mobilise union power to build on this momentum and end Australia’s support for the genocide!